December 24 – Matthew 2:1-12

December 24 – Matthew 2:1-12

December 24 – Matthew 2:1-12 In the past four weeks of Advent, we’ve seen how the arrival of Jesus is for everyone and everything, and how the Messiah changes life for everyone. This week, for those groups who will be meeting, we’ll be looking at disparate...
December 24 – Matthew 2:1-12

December 17 – Luke 2:8-21

December 17 – Luke 2:8-21 Heads up: a lot of groups take the weeks around Christmas and New Year’s off, and I’d encourage you to do this, both because so many people travel and because y’all could use the break in a busy season. For proper planning, go ahead and...
December 24 – Matthew 2:1-12

December 10 – Matthew 1:18-25

December 10 – Matthew 1:18-25 I said it last week but I’ll say it again: year after year at Christmas we return to similar passages and that can make them hard to study, not because they aren’t important to us but because they’re so familiar to us. So, again,...
December 24 – Matthew 2:1-12

December 3 – Luke 1:5-25

December 3 – Luke 1:5-25 This week begins Advent, the month-long season that leads up to Christmas. Let me remind us of what we encounter every year with Advent—because these stories are familiar, they can often be hard to study. We can struggle to be...