Hey there!
Thanks so much for stopping by the Vintage Church Community Groups site! My name is Eric Spivey, and I’m the community groups pastor at Vintage Church Downtown. I live just east of downtown Raleigh with my wife, Annika, son, Abe, and daughter, Lena. As the Downtown community groups pastor I oversee the CGs specifically at Downtown, but I also write discussion guides and training curriculum that are available to all Vintage locations, which you’ll find here at cg.vintagenc.com. If you ever have any questions or needs regarding community groups you can always shoot me an email at eric.spivey@vintagenc.com, I’d love to hear from you!
If you’re new to Vintage you can also learn more about our church over at vintagenc.com.
This online space is all about resourcing Vintage community groups and their leaders, from weekly discussion guides that follow our sermon series to helpful articles, training videos, and more. Under the menu above you’ll see links to:
Discussion Guides – All our discussion guides from the current and past sermon series.
CG Kids – Discussion guides and instructions for facilitating CG for kids.
Resources – A ton of different topical articles and links to outside resources, all of which are there to help you and your group thrive.
CG Leader Training – Training content from the CG Leader training process at Vintage Church Downtown.
What exactly is a community group?
Our mission at Vintage is to make much of Jesus, and one of the ways we do that is through community groups. Community groups are small groups of people who gather during the week in living rooms across the city. At these gatherings groups discuss the Bible together, they build friendships to talk honestly and share their lives with each other, and they love and serve their surrounding communities, both as a group and as individuals, to make much of Jesus wherever he’s placed them. Each group does this differently as unique representations of the community we have in Jesus.