Matthew 13
The Bible Project on the Parables of Jesus
What is the Kingdom?
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Ideas for Childcare
This post is part of a series from our Kids in CG workshop, which was all about helping families thrive in community group. You can find other posts and audio from that workshop by clicking here.Two-list approach When thinking about hosting families in community...
How to Make Your Community Group Kid Friendly
This post is part of a series from our Kids in CG workshop, which was all about helping families thrive in community group. You can find other posts and audio from that workshop by clicking here.Welcoming families with children into your community group is no small...
Planting Vintage West
One of our great passions at Vintage is planting churches, and we're incredibly excited to be launching our fourth Vintage church location, Vintage Church West, in January of 2020. We've had an eye west of 440 for a while now, specifically out towards Morrisville,...
Meeting a Need with your Community Group
Below is a guide adapted from a resource put out by Fellowship Raleigh that will help you determine if a service project or opportunity is a good fit for your community group. This is not meant to be a rigid, heartless assessment. Our prayer as a church is that the...
Loving Strangers: April 2019 CG Leader Gathering
On April 2, 2019, we met for our twice-a-year Downtown CG Leader Gathering. For the past few years Vintage Downtown has been picking a church-wide yearly theme, and our theme for 2019 was "Love God, Love Neighbor," taken from the two Great...
May 2019 Discipleship Coaching
Intro Throughout the month of May we're providing opportunities for folks at Vintage Downtown to take the next step in their personal discipleship. Our hope is to identify and challenge one another towards growth in one specific area of knowing, living,...