Matthew 13

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The Bible Project on the Parables of Jesus
What is the Kingdom?

Series Intro

Through the Easter celebration we have cried out, “He is risen!” which signals not only forgiveness of sins but a new reality of God’s kingdom. Throughout the book of Matthew, Jesus teaches and exhibits the kingdom of heaven, and in Matthew 13 he shares multiple parables to paint a picture of this revolutionary reality. Our series will navigate through these parables, observing the different facets of the Kingdom that Jesus communicates through these stories.

Discussion Guides

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What do I do if someone sounds suicidal?

By Andrea Pratt, LCSM, MSW → Related resource: Recommendations for Biblical CounselorsIntroThoughts of suicide can be a jarring thing to talk about. Yet, it is more of a common human experience than we may realize—National Institutes of Health ranks it as the...

Sabbath and Work-Rest Rhythms with Kayla Pleasants

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Deep Dive: Acts 16:11-34

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Gospel-Centered Discipleship with Jonathan Dodson

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Deep Dive: Who was the fourth person in the fiery furnace?

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