Matthew 13

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The Bible Project on the Parables of Jesus
What is the Kingdom?

Series Intro

Through the Easter celebration we have cried out, “He is risen!” which signals not only forgiveness of sins but a new reality of God’s kingdom. Throughout the book of Matthew, Jesus teaches and exhibits the kingdom of heaven, and in Matthew 13 he shares multiple parables to paint a picture of this revolutionary reality. Our series will navigate through these parables, observing the different facets of the Kingdom that Jesus communicates through these stories.

Discussion Guides

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Series Resources

Other Resources

Resource on the Trinity

Hey Vintage Leaders,  As you know, we’re going to be spending the year exploring All of God for All of Us. We hope that our people will grow in the understanding of how the Triune God (the Trinity) shapes our experience of life, faith, community, and God himself. This...

How do I conduct a membership interview?

Intro A membership interview might sound intimidating or overly formal, but the opposite is true—membership interviews are a low-pressure, informal way for us to welcome new members into our church in a way that best communicates who a Vintage Church member is and...

Deep Dive: “What is lacking in Christ’s afflictions”?

All discussion guides in this series →This Deep Dive goes along with our September 4 discussion guide on Colossians 1:24-29. If you go and read Colossians 1:24-29, verse 24 might not exactly stop you in your tracks, but there’s some serious theology to sort through...

Spring 2022 Downtown CG Leader Gathering

On May 17 we met for the first of our twice-a-year CG Leader Gatherings. Coming out of the past two years, plus having finished Abound last fall, we talked a little about processing what many of our groups have gone through, what's next for Vintage Downtown in 2022...

Revelation Resources

Contents: Intro Outline 5 Interpretive Views Revelation's Repetition The Number Seven + Seven Spirits Intro Below you’ll find some helpful tools and frameworks for reading the book of Revelation together in community. To start out, though, I’d like to set before you...

Deep Dive: Lent Feasting Liturgies

This year our theme for Lent is Feasting in the Wilderness, a motif that recurs in the Bible (think manna, or the feeding of the 5000), and the liturgy for Wednesdays in this year's Lent Guide is a liturgy for Feasting (though by that we just mean eating together)....