Matthew 13

Here are those links if they didn’t show for you:
The Bible Project on the Parables of Jesus
What is the Kingdom?

Series Intro

Through the Easter celebration we have cried out, “He is risen!” which signals not only forgiveness of sins but a new reality of God’s kingdom. Throughout the book of Matthew, Jesus teaches and exhibits the kingdom of heaven, and in Matthew 13 he shares multiple parables to paint a picture of this revolutionary reality. Our series will navigate through these parables, observing the different facets of the Kingdom that Jesus communicates through these stories.

Discussion Guides

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Series Resources

Other Resources

John 17 Weekday Study

You'll notice the below guide for John 17 is a bit different from our normal Weekday Studies, including a place for sermon notes. Also, throughout the series, we'll have these available in a printed version on Sundays at every Vintage location.[pdf-embedder...

Cultural Intelligence with Dr. Harry Li

On May 5-6 we gathered Downtown leaders to hear from pastor and Mosaix leader Dr. Harry Li, who shared on biblically raising our cultural awareness. Below you'll find the video from our time together. You can learn more about Dr. Li's church, Mosaic Church of Central...

1 John Weekday Study

This summer we're trying something new called Weekday Study! These are once-a-week, 15-minute studies you can do after listening to the sermon on Sunday to go a little bit deeper in our journey through 1 John. They're also focused on some of the same heart-work and...

Should my group take summer off?

When I talk to other churches about their groups ministry, a question I often get is, “Do y’all take summers off?” No shade on churches that do, but at Vintage we have a different strategy for summers that I describe as both…

Intro to 1 John

This summer, from April 23 to July 15, we’ll be studying verse-by-verse through the letter of 1 John. Below you’ll find some introductory content on the letter, but first perhaps you’re wondering, why 1 John? John the Elder, as he refers to himself in 2 and 3 John,...

January 2023 Downtown CG Leader Gathering

On January 15 we met for the first of our 2023 CG Leader Gatherings. Coming out of the our year centering on Citizenship of Heaven, we talked a little about our new focus for this year, All of God for All of Us. We discussed how beginning this year with a study on the...