The Book of Daniel
As we’ve progressed through our year-long theme, “Experience the Kingdom,” we’ve looked at the King of the Kingdom (None Like Him), the nature of the Kingdom (Matthew 13), and the character of the Kingdom (SOTM). Now in Daniel we’ll look at the context of the Kingdom, which exists on earth but doesn’t necessarily belong there. Through Daniel’s own experience as an exile we’ll get an idea for what it means to belong to God’s Kingdom while still living in an earthly one.
Deep Dive: Who was the fourth person in the fiery furnace?
As I said in the full discussion guide, there's some debate as to who or what this fourth being in...
September 20 – Daniel 7:13-14
In the next two weeks we'll be starting up book studies through Dr. Eric Mason's Woke Church! If...
September 13 – Daniel 6:1-22
You'll notice the parallels between this story and the story of the fiery furnace from chapter 3...
September 6 – Daniel 4:28-37
You might remember that we looked at this exact same passage back in January during our None Like...
August 30 – Daniel 3:13-30
IntroDon't miss the connection between this week and last week. In Daniel 2 we read that King...
August 23 – Daniel 2:1-47
IntroThis week we'll continue looking at the tension of two kingdoms we introduced last week. In...
August 16 – Daniel 1:1-17
IntroThis week kicks off our six-week series in Daniel. As we've progressed through our year-long...