Advance 2018
December 30 – Matthew 22:34-40
In Matthew 22 we find Jesus teaching in the temple of Jerusalem. This is just two days after the triumphal entry (Matt. 21:1-11), and since then Jesus has cleared the temple with a whip (Matt. 21:12-13) and returned daily to teach the people and confront...
Thanksgiving Sunday: Luke 10:38-42
This is a familiar story for many of us. For those who grew up in the church it’s pretty easy to just switch on your Sunday school brain while reading this text. You read about Martha with all her striving, and Mary with all her faith. You know you should...
Hospitality Week 3: Romans 12:13
We need to look at the context of this verse to really grasp what’s going on (per usual). Paul wrote this letter to the church in Rome, with chapters 1-11 being a theological overview of Christianity, and chapters 12-16 being application, exhortation, and...
Hospitality Week 2: 1 Thess. 2:8
Over the summer in our Thessalonians series we looked at 1 Thessalonians 2 and Paul’s relationship with the church at Thessalonica (1 Thess. series week 2). This week we’re going to come back to that chapter and talk about the disposition of Paul’s care...