August 12 – 2 Chronicles 6:12-15
This week we’ll be looking a moment of worship. In 2 Chronicles 6 we find Solomon kneeling on a bronze platform, hands outstretched, dedicating the newly finished Temple to God through prayer. We’ll stay pretty close to the passage this week, so you won’t necessarily need an overview of the entire book for your discussion (if you’re interested though, here’s the Bible Project’s video on 1 & 2 Chronicles). We typical talk about prayer and worship separately, but in this passage and in our discussion this week we’ll see those topics go hand in hand.
As you prepare for discussion and reflect on the concept of worship in particular, this quick selection from John Piper’s podcast “Ask Pastor John” should be helpful. In it Piper covers some of the scriptural background for understanding worship. He also talks about the inner activity of a worshiper, which should be helpful for you as you discuss the ways we pray and worship as followers.
Questions for Discussion
• Read 2 Chron. 6:12-15
• What stood out to you from the passage?
• What characterizes Solomon’s prayer here?
• Why do you think he prayed and worshipped this way?
• What can we learn about God from this passage?
• What do you think matters about the way we pray and worship?
• What are some ways you want to grow in prayer and worship?