March 22 – Lord’s Prayer Week 4

March 22 – Lord’s Prayer Week 4

March 22 – Lord’s Prayer Week 4 As a reminder, all in-person gatherings at Vintage have been canceled for at least the next three weeks. Click here for our blog post on how your group can keep meeting virtually. Passage Intro Wondering what to do under the...
March 22 – Lord’s Prayer Week 4

March 15 – Lord’s Prayer Week 3

All in-person gatherings at Vintage have been canceled for at least the next three weeks. But that doesn’t mean you can’t keep meeting virtually! Click here for our blog post on how to do video meetings with your CG. Passage Intro While COVID-19 is...
March 22 – Lord’s Prayer Week 4

March 8 – Lord’s Prayer Week 2

Passage Intro As we keep moving through the Lord’s Prayer, encourage folks to memorize it if they haven’t already, or make a practice of reciting it regularly if they have. Also, if you’re wondering where the ‘for thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory’ part...
March 22 – Lord’s Prayer Week 4

March 1 – Lord’s Prayer Week 1

Passage Intro For the first four Sundays of Lent we’ll be walking slowly through the Lord’s Prayer. Check out this blog post for a bit of background on the season of Lent, a traditional 40 day period leading up to Easter. Also, take time to check out the Lent Study...