March 7 – Job 19:25-27

So technically our Job series already ended and this week is a separate stand-alone sermon before our Easter series in Luke. However, at Downtown this week Tyler preached from Job 19:25-27, so the normal series vs. stand-alone distinction doesn’t really hold...

February 28 – Job 42

This week is our last week in Job; next week we’ll have a stand-alone sermon, then we’ll kick off our Easter series in the Gospel of Luke. To wrap up our tour of Job we’ll turn to chapter 42, the Epilogue, to read the conclusion of Job’s...

February 21 – Job 38:1-11

This week we continue God’s response to Job: we’ll read back over 38:1-4, then continue through to verse 11. Keep in mind, this is a longer speech; I’d encourage you to read the whole thing through to Job 40, if only because the imagery about...

February 14 – Job 38:1-4

I mentioned earlier in the series that the big middle portion of Job involves dialogues between Job and his friends. This week we’re jumping past most of that , and for the next two weeks we’ll look at God’s response to Job in chapter 38 before...

February 7 – Job 2:11-13

If you’ve noticed, we’ve stopped moving through Job chronologically. For our discussion this week we’ll take two steps back, before Eliphaz started talking (4:1-9) and before Job spoke after seven days of silence (3:1-10). This week we’ll look...