None Like Him Series Intro


Each year at Vintage Church we pick a theme to characterize our sermon series and ministry goals, and our theme for 2020 is “Experience the Kingdom.” Read the Gospels and you’ll notice that Jesus’ ministry was characterized by announcing the arrival of the kingdom of God (Matt.4:17, Mrk.1:15, Luk.4:43, Jhn.3:3). But what is this kingdom? And if Jesus introduced it, where is it now? We’ll spend all year figuring this out, diving into Jesus’ teachings on the kingdom and learning what it means to be its citizens.

Before we learn about the kingdom, though, we want to spend time learning about the King. Thus our first series for the year, the Attributes of God, will start with God’s nature. Specifically we’ll take January and February to study God’s incommunicable attributes, those that are unique to him alone like his omnipotence, immutability, and infinity. We’ll be using Jen Wilkin’s book None Like Him as a resource for learning about these attributes. Check out the video below to hear more about why Jen wrote this book and what’s so important about God’s incommunicable attributes.

We’ll be using Jen’s book in a number of ways throughout the series. Folks will be encouraged to read None Like Him on their own or with their friends. If you and your community group would like to read along together, check out our recommendations for how to do a book study with your CG. We’ll also have a few book study groups at Vintage Downtown available to folks who would like to discuss the book but don’t otherwise have an avenue to do so. For info on how to get into one of these groups, email Eric at


Can I do a book study with my CG?

Series Schedule andNLH chapters

• January 5 – Genesis 1:26-2:3 // Ch. 2: Incomprehensible
• January 12 – Exodus 6:2-8 // Ch. 6: Immutable
• January 19 – Daniel 4:29-37 // Ch. 3: Self-existent
• January 26 – Exodus 16:13-21 // Ch. 4: Self-Sufficient
• February 2 – Exodus 32:1-8 // Ch. 8: Omniscient
• February 9 – Genesis 45:1-15 // Ch. 5: Eternal
• February 16 – Deuteronomy 31:1-8 // Ch. 7: Omnipresent
• February 23 – Genesis 17:15-22 // Ch. 10: Sovereign
Our prayer is that this series will broaden our minds and widen our hearts as we delve into the mysteries of an infinite God who loves us with an incomprehensible love. Simultaneously we hope to find reprieve from our attempts at self-sufficiency, sovereignty, and even self-existence, welcoming our limits and celebrating that only God can be God.
Grab a copy of None Like Him