New Leader Training
Welcome! Below you’ll find the content for our four-week new CG leader training course. These materials are here for your reference, or for folks participating in the training who miss a meeting.
Each session has a combination of meeting audio and meeting notes, and each meeting after the first session has pre-work, consisting of a reading assignment plus questions for reflection. For each week just complete the content under the heading in the order it occurs, though it would be helpful to look at the meeting notes while listening to the meeting audio.
Week 1 – Why community groups?
Session 1 audio:
Session 2 Pre-work reading: “Not Just Bible Study” by Myron Crockett
Week 2 – Know the Gospel: Bible study discussion?
Session 3 Pre-work reading: “Rhythms” by Brad House
Optional reading: Multiply, “Why Study the Bible?” by Francis Chan and Mark Beuving
Week 3 – Live the Gospel: Sharing our lives
Session 4 Pre-work reading: “Missional Church” by Tim Keller
Optional reading: Peacemaking, chapter 1, by Ken Sande