Kingdom of Justice

November 22 – Mark 10:46-52

November 22 – Mark 10:46-52

Passage IntroThis week is an off-week between series; we just wrapped up Kingdom of Justice, our Isaiah series, and next week is the start of Advent. This week at Vintage Downtown we'll turn to Mark 10 and the healing of blind Bartimaeus. As we'll see, the giving of...

November 15 – Isaiah 2:1-4

November 15 – Isaiah 2:1-4

Passage IntroThroughout the book Isaiah points to a final conclusion that roots all hope in the here and now, that conclusion being the perfect Kingdom ruled by the perfect King. This week we'll finish up our series looking at a familiar passage for many ("swords into...

November 8 – Isaiah 56:1-8

November 8 – Isaiah 56:1-8

Passage IntroThis chapter is a pretty pivotal one in Isaiah for two reasons; first, it looks back on the first 55 chapters in a quick summary (v.1) before transitioning to the promise of the coming Kingdom in chapters 56-66. At this point, Israelites who had heard...

November 1 – Isaiah 58:1-12

November 1 – Isaiah 58:1-12

Passage IntroLast week we looked at the hollow religiosity God's people have a bad habit of getting into, contrasted with true obedience and faithfulness to God. This week will continue in that vein in Isaiah 58:1-12, where Isaiah draws this contrast through the...

October 25 – Isaiah 1:1-20

October 25 – Isaiah 1:1-20

Passage IntroLast week we started up book studies through Dr. Eric Mason's Woke Church! If your group wants to read together, whether some or all of you, you can get discussion questions and other resources over at Have any questions? Email...

October 18 – Isaiah 53:1-12

October 18 – Isaiah 53:1-12

Passage IntroLast week we started up book studies through Dr. Eric Mason's Woke Church! If your group wants to read together, whether some or all of you, you can get discussion questions and other resources over at Have any questions? Email...

October 11 – Isaiah 61:1-4

October 11 – Isaiah 61:1-4

Passage IntroLast week we started up book studies through Dr. Eric Mason's Woke Church! If your group wants to read together, whether some or all of you, you can get discussion questions and other resources over at Have any questions? Email...

October 4 – Isaiah 59:1-15

October 4 – Isaiah 59:1-15

Passage IntroIn the next two weeks we'll be starting up book studies through Dr. Eric Mason's Woke Church! If your group wants to read together, whether some or all of you, you can get discussion questions and other resources over at Have...

September 27 – Isaiah 6:1-7

September 27 – Isaiah 6:1-7

Passage IntroIn the next two weeks we'll be starting up book studies through Dr. Eric Mason's Woke Church! If your group wants to read together, whether some or all of you, you can get discussion questions and other resources over at Have...