by Jordan Brazinski | Mar 20, 2019 | Deep Dive, Seen: The Gospel of John, Series Resources
Deep Dive: Notes About John 9:39-41 Note about v.39-41After healing the blind man, Jesus gives insight into part of his purpose on earth; Jesus came both to pronounce God’s favor on the far off (Matt.5:1-11; Luk.4:18-19) and to pronounce judgement on those whose lips...
by Jordan Brazinski | Mar 13, 2019 | Deep Dive, Seen: The Gospel of John
Deep Dive: Textual Concerns in John 8:1-11 Textual Concerns To start, you should know that tons of research has been done about this specific passage, and plenty of faithful Christians see this story as either the authoritative Word of God (such as RC Sproul) or, at...
by Eric Spivey | Sep 2, 2018 | 1 Thessalonians, Deep Dive
Deep Dive: What does Paul mean by “work with your hands”? For background on 1 Thessalonians, check out the Series Intro. In v.11 Paul starts to list out some instructions he has for the Thessalonians: aspire to live quietly, mind your own affairs, work with your...