by Eric Spivey | Oct 11, 2020 | Kingdom of Justice
Passage Intro Last week we started up book studies through Dr. Eric Mason’s Woke Church! If your group wants to read together, whether some or all of you, you can get discussion questions and other resources over at Have any questions?...
by Eric Spivey | Sep 30, 2020 | Kingdom of Justice
Passage Intro In the next two weeks we’ll be starting up book studies through Dr. Eric Mason’s Woke Church! If your group wants to read together, whether some or all of you, you can get discussion questions and other resources over at...
by Eric Spivey | Sep 25, 2020 | Kingdom of Justice
Passage Intro In the next two weeks we’ll be starting up book studies through Dr. Eric Mason’s Woke Church! If your group wants to read together, whether some or all of you, you can get discussion questions and other resources over at...