Personal Discipleship Plan
Below you will find a guide for discussing areas in the PDP, a timeline for the year, and FAQs.
Group Discussion
Community groups will make for a very natural environment in which most folks at Vintage can discuss their Personal Discipleship Plan, both initially and throughout the year. Below you’ll see a guide to help your group members talk through their PDP. We’re not going to discuss every check box, nor are we going to ask everyone to list out all the things they have and have not checked.Here’s the point of this discussion: to help our CG members thoughtfully engage in their discipleship in the year to come and to enable our members to help one another in that endeavor.
The Timeline
January 5 and 12: The PDP will be mentioned these two Sundays to help get the word out, but we will not hand out plans until January 19.
January 19 and 26: The discipleship plan will be discussed during service and PDPs will be handed out. Plans are to be turned in by January 26. These two weeks are a great time to be talking about the PDP in your community group gatherings.
The week of February 16 or 23: At your CG gathering one of these weeks you’ll have a guided conversation through the PDP.
Week of May 18: In group this week we’ll do a mid-year follow up, connecting on points of the plan, offering support, and helping get connected to staff, classes, or resources where needed.
Week of November 16: Each contact does an end of year follow up; connecting on points of the plan, offering support, helping get connected to staff, classes, or resources. Each contact should mark progress on the spreadsheet of whether their person actively participated in the plan this year, whether they stopped participating, or whether they were unresponsive. During this meeting also communicate that we will do another plan in January and to be thinking through what areas you would like to continue to grow.
November: Discipleship plan feedback will be requested from you to enhance the plan for 2026.
What if someone in my group misses our group PDP discussion?
If the person did not fill out a PDP prior to your gathering, they may do so at any point and turn it into the Info Room / Info Table for a follow up meeting with a staff member or pastor.