Cares Well Training


This spring our Downtown CG Leaders will be working through part of the curriculum from “Becoming a Church That Cares Well for the Abused” put out by Ministry Grid and the SBC. Cares Well is an abuse prevention and response training aimed at multiple layers of ministry within the church.

The need for greater awareness on the topic of abuse is staggering; statistically, 25% of the people in our church and in our community groups have or will experience abuse of some kind in their lifetime. As I said at our January CG Leader Gathering, this sort of preventive training is kind of like a fire drill; it might not feel like the most pressing thing to brush up on now, but in a crisis you’ll be glad to have this information at your disposal, and the person you’re helping will be grateful too. By going through part of the curriculum, group leaders at Vintage Downtown will be better prepared to help people through the initial response to abuse, to walk with them through the difficult days ahead, and to participate in care teams, when applicable.

You’ll see below how to get the content and which videos to watch. You can certainly watch them at your own pace, or you can follow the timeline to finish by the end of March (at a pace of one video every other week).

How to get the content:

  • First, head to and click Register.
  • Once you’ve set up an account, click on the top Training tab.
  • On the Training page, in the big search field, search for “Cares Well.” The top result should be “Becoming a Church That Cares Well for the Abused.” Click that.
  • On the Cares Well curriculum page, which lists out all the information about the curriculum, you’ll see a green button that says Start Course. Click this to add the course to your dashboard.
  • Now, when you login to Ministry Grid, you’ll see the Cares Well content on the home page. Click on that curriculum title and it’ll take you to the curriculum page, from which you can watch any of the Cares Well videos.

Timeline and videos to watch:

  • Introduction (3 min) and Lesson 1 (23 min) – by February 3
  • Lesson 2 (23 min) – by February 17
  • Lesson 3 (21 min) – by March 2
  • Lesson 8 (22 min) – by March 16
  • Lesson 9 (25 min) – by March 30